Thursday, June 2, 2011

You've Got to Be Kidding

The World According to Paris   Seriously?? Who cares about Paris Hilton anymore?? Who EVER cared about her? Why would anyone want to watch this crazy on T.V.? Not I!

What really bugs is that people DO care and they WILL watch. And she will become ever richer for...well NOTHING!

Luckily, I'm not the only one who sees things this way. This article basically sums up Paris perfectly:

Someone who sees things my way


  1. so true. I think it's because of things like this: on her last show one of her challenges was that the girls had to pet a tiger. Whomever the tiger growled at was out of the game. ha ha ha. she's crazy.

    ps. I like your blog.

  2. Thank you so much, Nems! Glad to have you as a reader! And yes, she is crazy. lol

  3. Oh I don't know...she was working pretty hard for that hamburger wait, not working hard...something was hard though...hmmm...I forget. :)
